
Mr. Ashley Judd Wins Wet like Boss Demanded — 9 Comments

  1. Alvin: I gotta admit, I didn’t listen to the interviews after, I switched to NASCAR. She has a French degree from U of Kentucky
    (no cracks) so she isn’t a dummy.
    Glad she was articulate. Hanging around those F1 guys will do that.

  2. Nice post. What I was amazed with, and not to sound sexist here, was her knowledge of racing. She came off very knowledgable when ABC interviewed her as hubby was finishing his final lap.

  3. The first thing I ever saw Ashley Judd do was guest-star in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, playing Wil Wheaton’s love interest. She didn’t sweat a drop, so far as I could tell. Perhaps you need to put her in deep space to keep her dry.

  4. God, is she not the sexiest thing out there! I love the shot and wish she would get all up in my face!

    Wow! Got to go take a shower now!

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