
CSI: Our House — 15 Comments

  1. Awww. I’m a fellow doggie lover they look like bones wouldn’t melt in their mouth! Maybe it was collusion, I had an old labrador once who talked a younger counterpart into pinching an entire leg of ham from my kitchen bench. Once the ham had been dislodged, the old lab picked it up and took off with it, leaving the younger accomplice to face the music . . .they’re clever like that these canines!

  2. Conspiracy! Never considered the option, perhaps should have sent it to the grand jury after all. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Chase: Thatnks!

    Gretchen: down girl! Basenjis – if you love them set the free. (hah)

    Cheryl: Short hair was first, we also have a Morkie, but can’t get them all four to sit still for a picture. The Morkie, Sofi is just too much of a pup!

    You guys are great.

  4. OMG, I love your puppies! And rescues, too — I’m officially in love with you (apologies to your wife). Because dog rescue is my sole charitable passion, despite the fact that my (gasp) purebred Basenjis were (double gasp) PURCHASED from a BREEDER.

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