
My Open Letter to Mr. Cola — 5 Comments

  1. Frankly, I’m disappointed. You, an avid Coke drinker, crossing the line to drink a demon Pepsi? And WARM? *gag*

    I told my son just last week that I wasn’t sure he could stay in the house if he didn’t stop saying he liked Pepsi. I’m THAT big of a Coke fan.

  2. We don’t have Dr Pepper in our house, but I’ve never heard of it, I guess it never really caught on.
    It sounds good, I’ll give it a try.
    But think if Pepsi made a deal with Starbucks, then promoted it. Heck Starbucks could do it on their own I suppose.

  3. So you missed out on the whole Dr. Pepper thing?

    Q: What is hot Dr Pepper?
    A: Hot Dr Pepper was developed many years ago as a refreshing winter drink. Heat

    Dr Pepper in a saucepan to 180 degrees, place a thin slice of lemon in the bottom of a coffee mug or insulated cup and pour the heated Dr Pepper over the lemon.

  4. One of my favourite Irish films is ‘Intermission’. One of the main fellas in it robs a supermarket and finds himself with a few crates of YR (brown sauce). Not knowing what to do with them, he starts adding it to everything he eats. His main discovery was that YR sauce in tea is “bleedin’ massive!”, and nobody believes him until they try it. I believe him, but still don’t have the guts to try it. Much like microwaved cola!!

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