
Practice with Anything but Dog Turds! — 4 Comments

  1. True: lose / lose but I would rather tell the emergency room it was a golf ball!
    But Grandad would have an appropriately preposterous story behind the “accident” I’m sure.

  2. LOL, you sire are a politician. “I ask you my fellow citizens, would you rather get hit with a turd or a golf ball?
    LOL, thanks for writing.

  3. See if you don’t agree that the guy is certifiable

    I, for one don’t agree?!

    What’s wrong with dog turds? Would you rather I go belting golf balls around the neighbourhood? They’re dangerous things, you know [golf balls, not neighbourhoods]?

    Frankly, I’d rather be hit on the head with a poo than a golf ball.

    There is method in my madness 😉

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