
Gloria Steinem and I Agree, There are Prick Flicks — 11 Comments

  1. Full Metal Jacket A+; Hamburger Hill had some relationship bullshit in it, C-; Fast and Furious A. Fight Club: if you say so (and you did) and Mona Lisa Smile, yup, chickie.

  2. Prick flicks- xXx, Full Metal Jacket, Hamburger Hill, Fast and the Furious… I’d have to contest fight club though, I loved that film!! There’s plenty in it for the girls, TRUST me! (Brad Pitt naked apart from a rubber glove?)

    Mona Lisa Smile was pretty chickie.

  3. Yeah, You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle part 2, that’s what I couldn’t remember.
    I liked Thelma and Louise: shooting and stealing and screwing around with a young cowpoke and blowing up trucks and then driving off a cliff. Was there a story there? Anyhoo, I liked it.

  4. I saw “Sleepless in Seattle” with a platonic male heterosexual friend. By the end, he was weeping. I was sneering. There are chick flicks, and then there are cynically manipulative chick flicks. “SiS” was the latter.

    Other chick flicks: “In Her Shoes” (not as bad as I’d feared), “You’ve Got Mail,” “The Devil Wears Prada,” “A Map of the World” (highly recommended). And I’m sure the current release “Evening,” which I haven’t yet seen, qualifies. (Meryl Streep! Meryl Streep’s daughter! Toni Collette! Vanessa Redgrave! Vanessa Redgrave’s daughter!)

    Chick Flick Hall of Fame: “Thelma and Louise” and “Fried Green Tomatoes.”

    “Prelude to a Kiss” was marketed as a chick flick but in fact is an astonishing observation of identity and spirit, based on the play of the same name by Craig Lucas. Yes, it stars Meg Ryan (usually a big minus in my book), but whaddya know, she’s extraordinary. And Alec Baldwin and the late Sydney Walker are superb.

    But really, the heyday of the chick flick was the 1930s and 1940s, when movie studios acknowledged that “women’s themes” were legitimate sources of drama–and of box-office success.

  5. Bond James Bond may be a dandy, but Sean Connery’s accent….mmmmhmmmm…. he is the ONLY Bond in my mind.

    One time when Connery was on the Tonight Show, a woman from the audience asked him to say “Take off your panties, lass.” The fuel for a fantasy if there ever was one… 😀

  6. When I read your post, I updated my post. You obviously have some great chick flicks listed. I have to admit, I didn’t try very hard to remember any. James Bond is too much of a dandy for me. Jason Bourne is who I want to be.

  7. How could you forget the ultimate chick flick, Steel Magnolias? How could you fail to mention a herd of mouthy Southern women discussing life, dealing with death, love and other chick stuff?

    My most recently viewed chick flick, The Notebook, deserves a mention, too.

    I’m also a frequent viewer of prick flicks because that’s usually the only way I can watch a movie with my husband. (This weekend’s viewing of The Notebook was a rare occurence and one to be cherished, lol) I loved Fight Club, saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre when I was barely a teenager, the Saw triology waned after the first, but I still keep watching them, and I’m a fan of Bond James Bond.

    While occasionally I allow the softer side of me to sob uncontrollably at the television screen, more often than not, you’ll find us just watching scantily clad women get shot, blown up, ravaged, kidnapped, etc. Bring on the chainsaws!!!

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