
Long List of Boomer Bygones — 9 Comments

  1. No, it wasn’t a Commodore – it was something like “Bob’s Computer” or “Compusaveasaurus” or something. I mean, it was literally some generic computer that, if I hadn’t gone to the store myself, would’ve wondered if Dad had bought it from a guy’s trunk.

  2. Hair, flattop that I dare not touch because the stiffener stuff would draw blood.
    Odyssey? check
    First computer: Commodore Vic 21? is that right?
    7″ floppies? check, at work
    Not sure about the car, between floorboards and rear window? Plymouth Coupe?
    Seatbelts? check, and metal dash with eyeball spears.
    Look forward to reading more in your post.

  3. I personally found Gopher to be charming.

    My hair was so big in the late 80’s/early 90’s that I learned to drive a car slumped down, so my bangs wouldn’t touch the headliner.

    We didn’t have an Atari, but we got some knockoff video game called “Odyssey” when my mom and dad went to one of those timeshare things. It was either the knockoff Atari or an inflatable icechest.

    We also had the first home computer in our neighborhood. It was an IBM clone and you had to load, I think, 3 different floppy (real floppies, not the 3.5 ones we call floppies now) disks with DOS on ’em to fire that bad boy up. It was also in the days before the mouse, so you used the directional arrows if you wanted to move on screen. Oh yeah, also – amber screen.

    We also rode from Oklahoma to Nebraska, my sister, cousin and I taking turns between riding in the two backseat floorboards and the rear window. Not a seatbelt to be found back then – they were all pushed down under the seat.

    I feel a post of my own coming on, solely stemming from this post….thanks for the memories.

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