
Friday Five – Names That Are Fun To Say — 6 Comments

  1. HA! I am SO proud to be a Crumpacker. When I first met my husband (he was my boss at a temp job) I thought it was so funny I could hardly say it. His friends call him Crampecker, Fudgepacker, Rump Packer, etc. Whenever I call up to make restaurant reservations, I always use our last name instead of a first name. I once called a place to confirm a reservation for a dinner/concert I had made months earlier, and when I gave our name, she said “Oh, I remember YOU!”

  2. @futsal: oh yeah, all those names!
    @Kirk: Real people with names who have names that can be suggestive have it tough. Like Crumpacker!
    @Gretchen: I’ll remember Harry Paratestes… SIL will love it!

  3. Oh! Chicago Blackhawks goalie Nikolai Khabibulin. You sort of gargle the “kh”. It is SO fun to say.

    Radio host Jonathan Brandmeier once called up a Greek restaurant on April Fool’s Day and asked them to page “Harry Paratestes”. That was pretty good.

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