
Is Saving Old Photographs Overrated? Redux — 11 Comments

  1. Hi diosa. Interesting take, thanks for commenting. Do you have your photos offsite or on disc too? Like Chris said, your computer crashing could corrupt those.

  2. Photos are a real connection to the past. I have some of my great-great grandparents. I don’t look at them often but they do give a sense of history to the family as a whole. I wouldn’t want to loose them but would I think about them when trying to get of the house during a fire. I rather doubt it, I would think first about my computer (thankfully those pictures are backed up there) and my jewelry (I am after all a woman :-))

  3. The fire you describe sounds like lighting the gas log fireplace!
    Hard to believe that pictures would retain smoke smell. That must be awful.

  4. I must admit….. the house is a blazing and I’m grabbing the photos, and my phone, and my laptop, and my purse, and my well hope it’s a small fire. ….. Honestly this once happened to me and I didn’t think to grab anything, I was just thinking about getting out.. my photos were in a sorta fire safe box and made it with a some burns around the edges and smoke damage. I still have them seven years later stuffed in a bag at the back of the closet because they smell like smoke but can’t bring myself to let them go.

  5. @Rosie: right, have to save yourself first! A photo blog could get expensive because most blogs have limits on how much free storage you can use.

    @Ralph: I agree, don’t look at them often, but glad to have them. Usually at Christmas somebody will drag an album or two out and have some laughs.

  6. The old photos are great to look at, even our 18 year old Kid1 likes to see when she or we or her brother looked like when we were little. As for blogging, I have gone thru many old B&W photos and scanned them to post. I can’t look at them as often as I wish, but am happy to have them…

  7. In all honesty I think I would be so glad to be out of there without smoke inhalation that I wouldn’t care even about the camera. But it is good to put them online and on disks.
    Hey, a photo blog would be a good thing also to start uploading those pictures. Thanks for a thoughtful post.

  8. @Karen: After thinking about it, I don’t know what else I would grab that would be more meaningful.
    @Chris: Yep, that is so true. My wife has a bad habit of leaving photos on the camera. Need to have a training session about Flickr I guess.

  9. The true danger today is hard drive crash erasing all of your digital prints instead of fire destroying the real thing. — The wife commanded that we upload backups to Flickr.

  10. You’re right, we almost never look at them, but we enjoy it when we do. My kids LOVE to see the few existing photos of us grownups when we were little, so maybe their kids will like to see their own parents as kids!

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