
Send an Old Man to Blog Camp — 9 Comments

  1. Las Vegas is falling apart. The major casinos are either going bankrupt or being sued. They actually have boarded up a 4 billion dollar project on the strip. Like a cheap ghetto house nobody wants to live in.

    City Center, if anybody is stupid enough to keep investing in it, might get finished. But then there are not enough high roller types to make it work. A real tribute to high expectations.

    A free trip to Las Vegas when the summer is starting to show itself is not the best timing.

    All of that being said….I wouldn’t live anywhere else. I hope you win and enjoy!

    Support…also wrote this…Diabetic Neuropathy

  2. Too bad to be that close and not be able to go.
    Nice for the golf trip. You talking abuot “you and the boys” or you and “young men.” (You as chaperone?)

    No I don’t live in AZ, I put that on some profile someplace because I think Yuma is funny.

  3. Darn I wish I knew about this sooner. I’ll be in Vegas the weekend before on a boy’s golf trip. I thought about just staying down a few extra days but then the thought of hanging out with a bunch of geeks in Vegas (you excluded of course) reminds me too much of when I used to go to Comdex. Vegas hotels hated Comdex because most geeks don’t gamble but I doubt this conference will have the same impact because Comdex had close to 200,000 attendees.
    As far as voting, don’t you live in Arizona? You can probably drive there faster than it takes to fly with all the BS you have to go through in airports these days.

  4. LOL – excellent point!
    No, I don’t want to see Lindsay in person. I have an image that I don’t want messed up.
    Hope you voted!

  5. Dangerous. You learned at the other experience that the GenYers and GenXers don’t like A/C at their conferences. It will be much hotter inside the bars in Las Vegas.

    But it’s a dry heat.

    Maybe Lindsay Campbell will be there.

  6. Okay, I voted for ya’. In an hour I’ll go vote for ya’ again. Heck, I can’t afford it so you might as well win it (even though you can afford) and show them young’uns some experience. Try not to get yourself arrested. πŸ™‚

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