Comments Killed WordPress Today — 13 Comments

  1. midlife,

    If it’s a personal type blog then go with a “.net”. If it’s more of a “Pro” “niche style” site (pertaining to a specific subject, sales, marketing etc) that you might be heavily monetizing (hoping to bring in a bit of $$$ for your trouble) then go with a “.com”. “.org” is usually related to an organization like (non-profits often use “.org”).


    Kirk M…did you read this?…‘Twas the Night After Christmas

  2. @Midlife Slices: (always cap the P) is doing your site for nothing, so it is limited.

    If you want more bells and whistles and options, then you need to do the heavy lifting and spend some money. provides the platform on which you build.

    You can always hire someone to do your chores of course.


  3. Thanks GoingLike60. I know it isnt a huge investment but im debating between BH and another host (medialayer). The latter will cost me significantly more if my site becomes popular or if my storage needs increase. “I’m so confusssssed!” (Arthur Fonzerelli).

    ps thx, will give kirk a shout.

  4. it’s been a few months.

    how is your wordpress blog running at bluehost now?

    im considering BH for 3 wordpress blogs and if i will have issues i’ll consider a different host. ty.

  5. Hi Stepford Mom,

    It’s because they’re not finished yet. but it’s coming. Talked to support and they say…

    They’re changing over approximately 4 servers a day to PHP 5 they tell me and they also say that it should be done by the end of the year. What they didn’t say is what website owners hosted by Bluehost didn’t hear. That they were making the switch. Buggers.

    I’m still waiting for the ax to fall on my own little endeavor. I’ve contacted about half the authors of the plugins I run so far and they’ve all come back to me (including the author of the “WordPress Database Backup” plugin) that the plugins are compatible for PHP5.

    @Sixty: I’ll load up the latest version for ya’ tomorrow and see if I can crash your site. Okay? 😛

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