
Even Without Trying She Can Wreak Havoc. — 8 Comments

  1. Had he turned to the right, while sitting at the computer, he would have seen at least 8 rolls of wrapping paper! He really does need an eye exam, or at least the CSI light! But in his defense, the tape isn’t with the wrapping paper.

  2. Nancy made it pretty clear that she was not pleased. So I’ll wait until she leaves again and wrap them. Our tree is great! We downsized so we have as many ornaments in boxes as on the tree.
    But every ornament is a story! I love that.

  3. Gadzooks…the tree should be your LAST worry Mister. You Cretin, you. Tell me Nancy has the patience of a saint! Okay….I’m laughing just a little; but it DOES look like trash day at Santa’s house. Nice tree though.

  4. “@Kirk: hey, I expected your support.”

    Oh, you’ve got my support for sure. I mean, even if I manage to “find” the wrapping paper (which I vigorously try to avoid every year so I have a “man” excuse) my wrapping expertise is non existent. It looks like a drunk monkey gave it a try and he’d probably do better.

    Still, if she’s stuck around this long and still admits to a certain fondness for you now and then without monetary compensation, you’re probably safe. 😀

  5. @Kirk: hey, I expected your support. Early on in our marriage it was explained to me that appliances (certainly a toilet seat qualified) were not acceptable as any kind of gift.
    Help HER install it… LOL

  6. Uh-huh, sure. How long you live in that house and you couldn’t find the wrapping paper?

    Hope your presents are really slick or you’ll never live it down (like the time I bought my first wife a new toilet seat because she kept complaining the old cracked one used to pinch her butt when she got up. I thought it was very considerate of me. She didn’t…even after I offered to help her install it).

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