
“The Bucket List” is Stupid Concept: Here’s My Bucket List — 13 Comments

  1. I want to sleep with Selma Hayek, Marisa Tomei, or Nicole Kidman. That’s my list. To me, a bucket list should be a wish list. Something more for the imagination and pleasant day dreams. Like buying a lottery ticket.

  2. See? I think that’s what’s wrong with a bucket list. I’ll never remember where I put it. Or I’ll be too decrepit to tinkle on Bin Laden rather than myself.

  3. 🙁 I’m disappointed. Here I thought for sure you’d spin the bucket, hee-hee, and make it a list of “things you put in a bucket”, “take out of a bucket”, “do with a bucket”, or some such. Did you take a convention-al pill?

  4. I kinda like the idea of having a bucket list.
    I’m turning 38 on Friday, and suddenly am thinking of all these things I want to do while I’m still 37….

  5. @Richard: Yeah, I watched all the Poltergeist movies. Nobody peed on a dead body. They were in the swimming pool. Oh, maybe the pee in the pool?
    I didn’t see the movie, so I don’t know about the narration. I like his voice – it made March of the Penguins better.
    @Winston: I didn’t want to focus entirely on politics. Not my thang.

    (damn, gotta get that CSS fixed so I can read the comments! I apologize again!)

  6. I’ve got to see the movie, precisely because of Jack and Morgan. Even if it sucks and they did it just for the money…

    Hmmm… like your list, especially those first two. I might add having coffee and donuts at The Donut Den with Fred Thompson after he falls out of the campaign. And I would like him to bring all the other Republican candidates with him, since they will have fallen out, failed, lost also. I know I wish for the impossible, but I also want them to sit still and keep their damn mouths shut while I tell them what a bunch of Bush clone idiots they are…

  7. JESUS CHRIST! Peeing on a dead body like that opens a door to hell! Haven’t you watched enough Poltergeist movies to know the rules about messing with dead bodies!??!

    Hey… Does Morgan Freeman do his annoying “Shawshank Redemption” type narration throughout the entire movie? I bet no. I bet Jack wouldn’t have any part of that.

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