
First Booger Scheduled for Cloning — 9 Comments

  1. So I wonder if the new Booger will still have to be house trained? Will he come bounding in like he was sayin’ “Man! Now that was a hell of a long nap but boy am I ready to go! Where’s my Milk Bone Bernie baby?”

  2. Yeah, but see, in person I’m really shy and don’t say much, except when I do, which really isn’t often. I’ve always been much more entertaining on the page than face to face.

  3. Booger is an awesome name for a dog. How many excuses does one get to feign Tourette’s and shout obscenities at random?

    Before we were married, Ben always maintained if we got a dog he would name him Stains so he could yell “Come Stains!” all over the neighborhood.

    Yeah, I guess we’re all like that.

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