
How Not To Look Old – Does that Piss You Off? — 19 Comments

  1. Yep this is very unfair. I have two young daughters and I try to over come the unrealistic images they are exposed to each day. I feel like they have a good amount of self esteem but its troublesome.

  2. I must agree this one does get me where it hurts. Isn’t it enough that we have to deal with everything falling and softening and falling out but now we have our own book that tells us how this shouldn’t be happening and how to stop it… as if it were a choice… maybe we should start a campaign “just say no” to aging! I am all for maximizing ones assets but let’s not create complexes in people, especially women, over it.


    Are you trying to start something goinglikesixty? Shame on you (as both my mother AND my father STILL like to say… – I have a complex from this behavior of theirs…)

  4. I’m certainly not going to flame you, Jan. I’m simply saying I’m tired of every magazine and advertising exec out there saying we shouldn’t be comfortable aging and looking our age. I’m not running around without any makeup and without any hair coloring! I would be a liar to sit here and say that I don’t use lotion on my face to try and resist some of the effects of the wind and weather and sun on my skin. But I don’t like Hollywood telling me NOT to age.

  5. I must be the philistine in the woodshed: I love the book. In fact, I highlighted probably every third sentence and passed the book along to my friends. We’re all 50-somethings who, frankly, don’t recognize ourselves in the mirror anymore. I say there’s nothing wrong in looking your best and brightest; a few trivial changes (like whitening my aging teeth or wearing a lighter shade of lipstick) and I actually feel better. I’m not saying we should all follow the ‘high-maintenance’ routines in the book, but I got a real kick out of her suggestions and her attitude. I’m not afraid of being my age, but I may as well be a great-looking 57. Flame me if you must, but I’d really rather not look like all my best days are past, because they’re not.

  6. Doesn’t piss me off, because in Orange County I’m surrounded by women who are terrified of aging (even as they bake themselves in the sun and make their skin all crepey and leathery). I used to get expensive dye jobs to hide the grey hair at my temples and dream of plastic surgery, but one day I just said “fuck it” and decided to age gracefully and realistically. Otherwise I’m teaching my baby daughter some supremely fucked-up values.

    So THERE.

  7. Yes, it pisses me off. People like that are making their money off of people’s fears. It’s a losing game that only losers play. No one escapes aging, unless they die prematurely. Instead of investing so much energy into their looks, these people would do better to invest in in bettering their minds and souls. My greatest consolation is that one day these people will wake up and realize that they can no longer fight Life. America’s closet-pedophilia is only a symptom of its vapid conceit.

    Okay, that’s enough out of me. I need some coffee…

  8. If you want to age gracefully, you have to be able to laugh, surround yourself with FUN friends; just make sure there’s a good supply of Depends available!

    Won’t all these young women with these huge tattoos look graceful in the nursing home! LOL

  9. @me again: I did the same looking for more info to figure out her age and maybe find an earlier picture. Seems like she has covered her tracks pretty well.

    @Keri: Thanks. No TV… pretty cool. I think we could do that. I would still want a “tv player” in our house to watch DVD’s. But other than that, I’m sitting in front of the TV with my laptop, and Nancy is doing a puzzle or knitting or embroidery.

  10. There isn’t a magazine OUT there that isn’t packed with ad after ad about giving a woman younger looking skin. I don’t subscribe to magazines, don’t have television and haven’t had one in years because of a conscious decision that we made based 95% on advertising and our loathing of it. (okay, so 95% is probably high, but…) So when I headed back to the dentist this month after a longer than meant hiatus, it was shocking to me to pick up a magazine and see how they looked now. I mean it is seriously sad how they are hitting the boomer women in the fear factor, really. We’re aging, so they’ll scare us into telling us how horrible we look but how much better we can look if we buy their products…

    yes. It pisses me off.

  11. What ticks me off is when some young thing writes about how not to look old. The reason she doesn’t look old is because she’s NOT! I googled the Charla Krupp babe and didn’t see anything where she admitted her age. So I can blow off anything written by a 30-something or even a 40-something. Let’s see what she looks like when she hits menopause, her weight balloons uncontrollably, her face is red from hot flashes, and every inch of her starts to head south.

  12. Yes, Grannymar is so right! Actually, I never looked like a super model; aging isn’t the only thing at fault. Anyway, who has time for all the steps needed to keep from looking old? I’m a fan of “aging gracefully.” A book on that wouldn’t sell so well, I’m sure.

  13. Yes, these books are all C*ap!

    Why? Because:

    – There are 3 billion women who don’t look like super models and only eight who do.

    – The models in the magazines are airbrushed – not perfect.

    – A psychological study in 1995 found that three minutes spent looking at a fashion magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty, and shameful.

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