
I Gots ToTS — 10 Comments

  1. @Gretchen: Like a lot of things, it’s funny until you see someone die from it. Nanc’s dad did and it was so sad. At your age, doing that dumb stuff is just dumb! 🙂
    At her age, with her family history, she really does worry (see post above yours.)

  2. Actually Alzheimer’s is a great excuse. I offer it up all the time when someone catches me being stupid.

    I have been known to put objects in the fridge that aren’t foodstuffs. Isn’t that one of the early signs?

  3. Read the link – still think it’s the beginning of Alzheimers! Running an empty laundry detergent bottle through the wash with sheets, sort of confirmed it for me!

  4. This happens to Ben and me more often than I care to admit. Usually with us it’s celebrity names; in the past couple of days we’ve both completely blanked on “Peggy Lee” and “Judd Nelson”.

    For a while I thought it was Alzheimer’s, but then I read somewhere that most boomers think they have Alzheimer’s. Turns out it’s just middle age. (Or maybe we just don’t give a shit.) 🙂

  5. @anyjazz: I am such an idiot.
    I saw your comment in an email, thought it was spam and deleted it. In the process I saw what you were commenting on. I apologize. If my marking you as spam causes any problems, contact me and we’ll work it out.

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