
The Manly Meme. Argh. REVISED. — 17 Comments

  1. Wait, I missed that. Women shouldn’t say the F word? I beg to differ. The way you can tell a lady is that we always pronounce the “g” in “fucking” (as opposed to saying “fuckin'” which is dreadfully crude).

    Can I say “effing”? Because that’s what I usually say when speaking, because of the kids and all.

  2. Commando, hee. My boys call it freeballin’ — and they always sing about it to the tune of the Tom Petty song, “Freefalling.” I can’t hear that song anymore without thinking of dangling nuts.

    But that’s pure Crumpacker.

  3. I took a run at the list and realized my guitar blog readers wouldn’t get it. Nonetheless, great therapy session! I now realize how accurate my Myers-Briggs score is.

  4. @Mrs. Chili: Oh just stop it. Just because I came to your site and mouthed off you don’t have to make me pay.
    You said you don’t have a lot of insight into the male mind. I’ve been married for 38 years. How the hell do I know what I’ve been doing? 🙂

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