
Tomorrow is Open That Bottle Night — 5 Comments

  1. @Queen of Shake Shake: Exactly: take the bottle to the party and share it with friends and recall every single instance of your honeymoon. I’m sure they will be fascinated.
    @Gretchen: Whoa, little too happy there, kiddo. You gonna turn into one of those Mommy Bloggers! hee. Altho’ I could use a Boolie picture fix…

  2. Actually my shrink says booze intensifies depression, and do you know, I admit I feel better teetotalling. Isn’t that a pisser? No pot, no booze, just high on life. Yippee!

  3. I do have a bottle we’ve saved since our honeymoon. I could open it tomorrow night except we’re going to a party where I could drink other people’s booze. Hmmmmmm.

    But really, what are we saving it for? Gesh. We could be dead tomorrow!

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