
Boomer Begs: Bring Back Bleeding Madras — 21 Comments

  1. I couldn’t agree more in wishing that India wolud start using the veggie dyes again and I think that with all the baby boomers still out there that wore them in the 60’s, it would be a viable market for someone! I have purchased a couple from O’connell’s but they don’t seem to bleed like I remembered them too?

  2. First of all that is real madras sold by those companies. You are an idiot if you don’t realize that. “Bleeding madras” isn’t the only madras out there. Madras doesn’t even need to hold a plaid pattern to be called “madras.” Madras is simply light-weight cotton fabric originating in Indian. If you want plaid madras that will still bleed do two things: 1. fly to Chennai and buy some or 2. get a Ben Silver catalouge. They occasionally sell some non colorfast “bleeding” madras for old times sake.

  3. OMIGOSH! I would love to have some bleeding Madras clothing again! Wore it so much in high school that my friend called me the Madras Gypsy! Where can I get the real stuff †oday?

  4. Oh boy, have found my beautiful [size xxl] getting tight around the middle, probably shrunk in washing, right??, sure. So a search on www finds xxxl at Old Navy. and reasonable. Maybe not the patterns of past tho, but will aleviate the tightness ’em!!

  5. Iron his shirts, my fanny. Early in our dating I offered to iron his dress shirts and he said “I pay lackeys to do that.” (Except he didn’t say lackeys.)

    Sam already makes me proud every day, although he is so like his father it’s frightening.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Ack! Penis!

  6. Oh My Gosh…Madras. I hadn’t thought about those shirts in years….and yes, they were pretty cool. Everyone and their uncle had madras shirts when I was in school. Crew cuts and madras shirts…too studly.

    Joy’s last blog post..Notes from Joy

  7. Yeah, Madras was awesome, although these days I absolutely refuse to take on responsibility for the care of such garments, speaking from a laundry perspective. It’s jeans and t-shirt all the way for this family, except of course for the lawyerly suits Ben is required to wear to work.

    Good limerick. Sam came home from school today reporting he had learned some limericks, although unfortunately they came from his teacher and were therefore no fun at all.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Ack! Penis!

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