
Friday Five – Technorati Plummets: You’re All Sick, Sick, Sick — 7 Comments

  1. Oh lookie at this!

    Here I am, a mere two days after being terribly ill and I’m full back in the saddle.

    Could it be because of Airborne? Possibly!

    No, I won’t be getting a piece of the lawsuit because the whole medical industry is just a game anyway. It’s all the power of belief.

    BTW, even though I’m better, my legs are still hairy. AND I will be farting to my hearts content during movie night too. I am one HAWT broad.

  2. Ah, crap. I just bought Airborne for Ben last month because a friend said HER friend swore by it, and our family has been sick all winter. Sadly, I do not qualify for the class action, since I bought the stuff AFTER EVERYONE ELSE HAD ALREADY REALIZED IT WAS BULLSHIT.

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