
American Idol Creator Simon Fuller is a Boomer Merv Griffin. — 7 Comments

  1. @FHB: This was prompted by a woman who TiVo’s it and votes during the performances. She time shifts so she can vote immediately. I was a huge fan of Survivor, but haven’t watched at all this year because it’s up against Idol.
    Interesting that you make a connection between the lo-tech Survivor and Idol. Wish I would have thought of it.

  2. I always work late so I never get to watch it. Always amazes me when one of these shows takes off and becomes the thing of the moment, like Survivor was years ago. The folks who can figure out what the next big thing will be and provide it will be rich, like this guy you’re talking about. As you said, it’ll be interesting to see how technology influences the direction it goes.

    FHB’s last blog post..Who I am.

  3. paula abdul was not B list. she was A+. she just left the spotlight for a few years because of her injuries. do some research please before you call some one a B celebrity

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