
Baby Boomer Going Like Sixty Indy Racing League Cigar Bar is Now Open For Business — 4 Comments

  1. Got one just like it out back. ‘Cept we ain’t got ‘skeeter nets on ours, and looks like you do. Just got a couple dozen tiki torches and those citronella candles in buckets that are supposed to drive off the ‘skeeters but don’t. It’s a wonder we ain’t burnt the whole damn thing down with all those candles and torches going.

    Redneck? I don’t know. Ain’t too good a judge of such. My feelin’ is it ain’t, cause it’s out back and not out front with the old washing machine, sofa, and 53 Chevy, or what’s left of it.

    Winston’s last blog post..Sunday Morning Random…

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