
Blog Talk Radio Test — 5 Comments

  1. You know how you always mentally get an impression of how someone sounds before hearing them? Well, you sounded like I thought you would…..but even cooler. Honest! There’s a quality in your voice that I find very warm. (I hope I’m not blowing your cover.) This was really cool Mark….thanks.

    Joy’s last blog post..Awesome Anagrams

  2. @Redneck Diva: Good to hear from you again! BlogTalkRadio is the way to go. All you need is a phone and a mouth. Neat thing is: Sis can call in from anywhere- which would be fun.

    @Rita: BlogTalkRadio is perfect for what you are trying to do. Get thru the “Bloggers aren’t serious” would be a challenge. It would go against your journalist training, but sending your subjects a list of questions in advance will help.
    “important people” – for example?
    I’ll check out your blog, be happy to add it to my blogroll. Good luck, keep me posted.

  3. I’d sure like to learn how to get my voice on my blog.

    The Problogger suggests that you interview people and put them on your blog.

    Even though I’m a journalist, I find that people don’t take bloggers seriously. I worked for a newspaper last year, and I usually got people to respond to my requests for information. As a blogger, could you really get important people to do interviews with you for your blog?


    I write a blog for boomer consumers called The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide at

  4. Man, you beat me to it! You got your voice on your blog long before it seems I’ll ever get mine on there! I’m still working on getting my overly-busy sister over here to co-host a webcast with me! D*mn her for being single and having a life! (I type as I sit here on my couch in my pajamas watching the Science Channel on a Saturday night while she’s singing in a karaoke bar in Virginia Beach…)

    Great voice, btw!

    Redneck Diva’s last blog post..Goals

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