
Breaking: Beckham Backer of Big Booties — 5 Comments

  1. I looked at the picture….
    And shook my head in disbelief.
    THAT’S considered a “big” ass?
    I WISH I was that size.
    She’s TINY.

    If this is what men consider “big”, I have absolutely NO HOPE at ALL.

    Janna’s last blog post..I miss winter already

  2. Man,, my girlfriend catches me doin’ that all the time, even when I’m not conscious of lookin’. I tell her lookin’ ain’t cheatin’, but two asshole husbands who cheated on her have left her a bit warped. if we ever split it’ll be because I’ve gotten sick of her pullin’ back on the leash when I don’t think I’m doin’ anything wrong.

    FHB’s last blog post..Who I am.

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