
Mensa? Meh. — 12 Comments

  1. @TrailerParkBarbie: lol… I was gonna go there, but it would have cramped by style.
    Thank you for the Basel reference. It has 165,000 pop., so it’s hardly a city in my way of thinking. I didn’t do the latest quiz at her site on Monday. Self-esteem problem.

  2. Mensa? I thought that was a term related to “lady time”.

    GLS…Like you, I love taking those Mensa quizzes. And, I do pretty darn well on most of them. ‘Cept, I’ve never heard of Basel.

  3. @Gretchen: Oh yeah, now you’re making excuses on why you aren’t like THEM. In addition to the felony conviction, I think being a Mommy Blogger disqualifies you. ROTTWEILER.
    (Rolling On The Tile Enjoying Immense Laughter, Even Regurgitated!)

  4. Dude! You hush. I’m taking penicillin as a precaution, since I was the sick nurse. Also, I think his brother and sister are the ones who brought it home from day care and did not catch it, just passed it on to Sam, as some kid at day care had strep a couple of weeks ago.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Diagnosing Strep Throat.

  5. Oh, so you KNEW you were being snotty to me! Yeah, we Mensans are like that. Too bad so many of us are underachievers and not good for very much besides useless information. For example, Ben and me.

    Sam is as right as rain today, thank God. He spent last evening arguing with his little brother and calling him a douchebag behind my back, just like always.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Diagnosing Strep Throat.

  6. @Gretchen: YES, I remember you were both in Mensa. See? That’s just so like Mensa people. Brag. Brag. Brag.
    Now I do appreciate that you know Lodz and told me it was pronounced wooj. That will come in handy someday.
    Sam getting well?

  7. Well, you are about to learn what a giant asshole I am. Ben and I were both members of Mensa way before we knew each other. (And no, we didn’t meet through Mensa; we met at work.) Thing is, though, I couldn’t stand the Mensa “look how smart I am” types. I was associated with Hell’s Mensans, the group who drank a lot and hot-tubbed in our underwear.

    The first Polish city I thought of was Lodz (pronounced “wooj”). So there. But then again I’m of Polish ancestry.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Days Gone By.

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