
Name That Meme! Mark, Mark, Mark; Hair Lip Dog — 11 Comments

  1. At first I thought that the letter A would result in much more benign, but by the lists in the comment I stand corrected, I was expecting something nice like Apple, Anaheim and such as opposed to hair lip dog, but I guess it is what you are inclined to think about that determines your list.

  2. No blog so here’s mine:

    1. What is your name: Amy

    2. A 4 letter word: anal

    3. A vehicle: airplane

    4. A city: Anaheim

    5. A boy’s name: Alan

    6. A girl’s name: Anna

    7. Beverage: Alcohol

    8. An occupation: administrative assistant

    9. Something you wear: ambercrombie and fitch

    10. A celebrity: Alan Alda

    11 A food: apple

    12 Something found in a bathroom: ass wipes

    13. Reason for being late: a rough night

    14. Something you shout: awwwwww

    15: An animal: antelope

    16. A body part: ass

    17. Word to describe yourself: awesome!!!

  3. Here are my answers:

    1. What is your name: Brian
    2. A 4 letter word: beat
    3. A vehicle: bicycle
    4. A city: Boston
    5. A boy’s name: Bob
    6. A girl’s name: Brenda
    7. Beverage: Blue Whale
    8. An occupation: Baker
    9. Something you wear: britches
    10. A celebrity: Brittney Spears
    11. A food: bagels
    12. Something found in a bathroom: brush
    13. Reason for being late: bus was late
    14. Something you shout: BINGA BINGA BINGA
    15: An animal: Bonobo
    16. A body part: Bone
    17. Word to describe yourself: Bastard

    Brian’s last blog post..Enough With The Bacon, Please.

  4. @nessa: I didn’t use mucus, mutant, manhood, or masturbate. You can do the meme if you choose. See what you can come up with – it’s not as easy as it looks. Until you think about it for 24 hours.

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