
Spreading Something All Over Blogonia — 8 Comments

  1. I just played it simple “Go Pipi” Or the other one 😉
    I never in my wildest dreams thought that a Dachshund would follow any commands – so I actually only goofed around – but it worked 😀
    Not for the big one though.
    He does other things, that’s alright.
    Like scaring the Arabs off.
    Oups, did I say that?

  2. @Nicole: If I made you chuckle, my work is complete. Now that you mention it, is it only males that do the circling bit? We have two females and they have never circled! Amazing. Bitches don’t circle! Awesome.

  3. You got me laughing out loud twice.
    Once with your comment and the second time with your entry.
    My smartassness is pooped out for today.
    I have laughed so hard and been a smartass all day 😉

    My dog (the male) does the same thing. It sometimes takes him 5 minutes (when I’m patient enough) to find the right spot to poop. Going in circles from left to right, back and forth – on the leash (because there are too many cats and nutty drivers that would love to kill a loose dog…

    (I talk too much…)

  4. Hahahahahahaha – I should do this when I’m feeling the smartassness taking over.

    I would right now, but I’m so low on caffeine the top of my brain is numb.

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