
When the Photographer is Rich and the Subject is Rich, it’s Not Kiddie Porn? Miley Cyrus Nude Photo — 13 Comments

  1. Nancy: Your husband said you were right? Kiss that guy and keep him forever. I can only get Ben to admit that when he’s completely screwed the pooch and I’d told him so.

    Oh and Ben and I saw somewhere that Hannah Montana merchandise alone pulls in $1 billion a year. Seriously, I was in Target trying to buy summer T-shirts for Boolie in the girls’ 4-7 department and I could barely find anything that DIDN’T have that little broad’s name and/or face plastered all over it.

    Therefore I don’t think they’ll dump her. Because money talks, and bullshit walks.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Matt Learns To Write.

  2. @BearNaked: Exactly. Leibovitz should be charged, and Cyrus should be charged. She’s underage and cannot sign waivers on her own behalf.
    By the end of the day, fake images will be all over the web.
    @Gretchen: I wonder if Disney has the guts to dump Miley over this? After all, she is just playing a character.

  3. Thanks Gretchen for saying I’m right! This is two days in a row someone has told me “I’m right”!!!! Yesterday according to my husband, “I was right” on the golf course – oh, and I beat the pants off him too. LMAO

  4. Nancy, you’re absolutely right. And her dad has a showbiz background, so you know, it’s not like they didn’t know the ropes.

    I think that because of her Disney Channel series, the Mouse is leaning on her very hard about this. I know Disney employees. They are like Big Brother and will excoriate anyone who threatens their wholesome image. And they’re not in a very good mood anyway now they’re no longer the be-all and end-all of animated moviemaking. I believe Hannah Montana is their hottest, most closely guarded property.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Matt Learns To Write.

  5. She’s quoted all over the place saying “I’m so embarrassed” – hmmmm…someone needs to get through these “teens” (and 20 yr. olds still acting like pre-teens) to ask themselves – is this going to embarrass me later! Sure we’ve all done some embarrassing things – but because of who they are it’s multiplied – since it comes with the territory, perhaps, they need something to remind them of the after effects.

    Nancy’s last blog post..Possibly an Announcement

  6. Can the parent not be charged with child abuse for allowing this photo shoot? I am sure if it was an unknown 15 year old CHILD having nude photos taken by an unknown photographer here in my town, the local Childrens Aid would be immediately on this case.
    And the unknown photographer would be charged by the police.

    BearNaked’s last blog post..Dancing with the Stars

  7. @Gretchen: No question that Leibovitz is of the highest credentials. But I cannot be convinced that among the pictures she took there aren’t some with frontal nudity. It’s why porn can’t be regulated, who decides?
    Re: the countdowns – yeah, I’m sure she does and probably other young teens.

  8. Well, at least Annie Leibovitz is generally considered the most respectable celebrity photog. It could’ve been worse. But yeah, that’s kiddie porn in my book.

    Did you know there used to be a countdown calendar somewhere on the ‘Net for when Mary-Kate and Ashley were going to turn 18? Think Miley has one too by now? “South Park” suggested she’ll be the next Britney.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Matt Learns To Write.

  9. first of all she should not have even been said yes to a nude picture in the first place and any ways i dont think that (her daddy) is going to be to happy and also if she wants to do nude photos or whatever than tell her to join (PLAYBOY) and also if she likes her boobs so much tell her to get emplants

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