
Ever Wonder How the Blind Choose Clothes? — 9 Comments

  1. Hmm, reminds me of my husband, except substitute “sofa and wineglass” for “desk”.

    I have always worn a lot of black, being from the Northeast and all. For a long time I had to get dressed for work in the dark because Ben and the kids were still asleep, and I can’t count the number of times I ended up in navy tights and a black dress because I was getting dressed blind. Non-matching shoes could be considered a fashion statement if you wanted to stretch a point; I sometimes wear non-matching socks just to be a pain in the ass.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Fail-Safe.

  2. @Gretchen: you have to trust me on this. She belonged in a college where she didn’t have to get out from behind a desk and have anything to do with discipline. As I think about it, I think all she wore was black. Her shoes didn’t match sometimes 🙂

  3. That poor woman. Teenagers, yet. She’d have been better off as an elementary teacher. If I were blind, however, I would totally use it as an excuse to wear dreadful outfits.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Fail-Safe.

  4. It never occurred to me that a high school teacher could be blind. I would hate walking into a classroom full of teenagers without all my faculties intact.

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