
Thank you, I Will Not Have Any Chocolate Wine. Well, Maybe Just a Little. — 10 Comments

  1. I love chocolate but don’t like wine and since my daddy once put chocolate on rice for me and I hated it I don’t think I’ll be trying this.

    I’ll eat your candy coated chocolate though. 🙂

    Lisa’s Chaos’s last blog post..a-choo

  2. Dude, I constantly tell him he’s gay. He does a spot-on Paul Lynde impersonation and the first time Erika heard it she demanded, “WHY is he so good at that?” He also likes Rock Hudson/Doris Day movies. And the Wizard of Oz. No Streisand, thank God.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Friday Five: Unduly Great Love.

  3. That does sound disgusting. Ben sometimes likes to nibble dark chocolate with port or a fruit-bomb sort of red (like an intense Zin) but I think he would find this disgusting, as well.

    On the other hand, he puts Hershey’s Syrup on his shredded wheat at breakfast. He also makes a breakfast concoction of orange juice, yogurt and shredded wheat all mixed together, which looks exactly like a bowl of vomit. So, you know, he just might go for it.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..ABCs With Attitude.

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