
w00t! My Favorite Winery Made the Tour — 6 Comments

  1. Oh no, I mean store shelves, not ours. We don’t have a wine cellar or anything high-class like that because we tend to drink our wines instead of stashing them away. I mean, we could get run over by a bus tomorrow.

    I haven’t seen that site, but then again Ben and I are skeptical of wine-related publications and websites because we have our own, very distinct, non-fashionable opinions about wines and don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks. I’ll check it out though.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Primaries = Enough Already.

  2. I’m curious, why are your shelves “stuffed.” Do you have that many favorites? Or just multiple bottles for different occasions/meals/sorrows?
    have you looked at

  3. Sadly, in California we don’t have access to Southern Indiana wines, although I’d be interested to try them. Our shelves are stuffed with Cali wines, of course.

    After the movie “Sideways” came out they started doing “Sideways” tours of the Santa Ynez Valley, where they hit all the wineries and restaurants from the movie. Insanely popular. Pissed us off, because SYV is an awesome, previously mostly unknown wine region. Now it’s overrun.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..This Drives Me Mental.

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