
Do a Great Haiku and Win a Half Million! — 7 Comments

  1. Sixty, you old fart, you’ve done gone and picked yourself a fairly shitty subject this time. I am reminded of the olde philosopher’s wisdom etched on the walls of the meditation stall:

    Here I sit all broken hearted.
    Came to shit and only farted.

    Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself…

    Winston’s last blog post..Blogging About Writing About Blogging…

  2. @Gretchen:
    There once was a hippie named Gretch
    Who loves to comment and kvetch.
    when she’s in the zone,
    she will piss and moan,
    and not even consider it a stretch.

    @Gretchen: I agree with you about Haiku, but it can be a mind-bender if they are good.

    @Barbara, I hope Gretchen will post her family’s version.

  3. Haiku is total fag poetry. If you don’t talk about the moonlight on the water or some intricate blossom, you’re not doing it right. Feh.

    Me, I like limericks and “Barnacle Bill the Sailor”. They may be doggerel but at least they’re not GAY.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..It’s Octopus Time In Detroit.

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