
Belize Anyone? — 11 Comments

  1. i’m a belizean just moved away from home last year, so i think i can help you out.

    *Is there a way to get from Belize City to north or south without flying?
    … absolutely, there are boats that go from the city to the north and south, and there are probably boats from the north straight down, although as you can guess it would take a while. given the gas prices though fares are probably up.

    *I guess the planes are props? Hate props. Can we get there by bus? rental car?
    …you’re absolutely right, they are props (i don’t like them myself) … you can bus it (i’m not a fan) you can find chartered buses leaving from the different bus companies in the city … you can probably book a nicer one … our buses don’t usually have a.c. … we do have rental car companies, i’m not sure if they’re expensive or not … but gasoline is … the drive going north is about 2 hours on the outside … and to placencia is about 3 hours … the drive south is particularly lovely

    *If you have a recommendation on a place to stay, that would be great too. $200 a night OK.
    …lots of places … lots of them have websites … 200 a night US and you can get some very nice stays … i’ve heard the inn at robert’s grove is excellent … but i had a wonderful stay at turtle inn -very romantic …

    *How about flying into Cancun and driving to Corozal?
    …as i keep saying -gas prices … but that’s a very doable option … just make sure you check out the route … and don’t hesitate to ask for directions and help

    *We know this is the off season, but how “off” is it? If “off” means a quick thunderstorm everyday, thats about what we have here now. If “off” means it rains all day, that will change things.
    …keep your eye on the weather report, that’s the best advice, particularly to make sure there aren’t any tropical storms or depressions … not to worry though, it doesn’t rain everyday

    our maya ruins are mostly up north and inland … i’m a fan of the islands, so that’s definitely worth a trip … cave tubing is also lots of fun … there’s a small, but nice, place near jaguar paw -they have their own small site, not a ruin but a cave with artifacts, a nice restaurant, horseback riding and river activities.

    enjoy your trip to belize!!

  2. Your right, nothing beats a good book, but they are so hard to get published sometimes.

    A website however has it`s advantages. You can get your point across to an international audience.

    …and that`s exactly what I did. Using words and videos you can have a chance to read and see my driving trip all over Belize. See us in the Video at Altun Ha and Lamanai ruins. Looking down at the 100ft falls and buggying about on Ambergris Caye.

    We went during the October – September months just at the end of the rainy season, and it was a great vacation.

    Hope your`s turns out great too! Bon Voyage!

    Jamesina Goulbourne’s last blog post..Jul 4, The Lodge at Big Falls

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