
I Always Find a Reason To Be Irritated! — 6 Comments

  1. @Kirk: so are you irritated at Technorati for no good reason? Flesh tags? Just snip ’em with scissors – if I can reach them and if they are where the public can see them. Which I guess is the reason you are sanding your ass?

  2. Now why didn’t this show up in my Dashboard? I tell you, Blog Search And technorati back lnks are just about useless these days.

    Anyway, good points all around. I got a flesh tag on my posterior that showed up years ago for no reason. No matter how much sandpaper I use, it just won’t come off.

    Bet you needed to know that.

  3. @Kim: thanks for an insiders opinion. Docs and their office managers don’t see themselves as having to provide “customer service” and for the most part they don’t.

    Some of the blame also lies with people who over-use a physician’s time. I have been in offices where people are on a first name basis with not only staff, but other patients. It’s social to them.

  4. I was a medical receptionist for 5+ years. Trust me, they (for the most part DO care that the doc’s schedules are so tight and that the patients walk out. Medical receptionists are constantly begging their docs to open their schedules up…but the docs don’t listen. They are convinced that waiting patients is an anomaly, and that if the schedules aren’t so full, that they will sit around doing nothing most days. It’s even more annoying when the doc calls in the in the morning and tells you to reschedule all 40 patients for that day so he can go ____ (fish/golf/watch a movie/go on a trip).

    It is incredibly annoying and disrespectful. 1st for the receptionists who are the ones that have to deal with the disgruntled patients and not bad mouth their boss at the same time… and next for the patients who have to act as though they have nothing better to do than wait for their doctor.

    The receptionists only seem like they don’t care because if they acted emotionally upset over every disgruntled patient, there would be no way to get through the day. It’s a vicious cycle.

    Anyway. It’s a good thing to get irritated at…especially since it’s only getting worse most places, not better.

    Kims last blog post..I’ve been missing

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