
The Day Lorelle At WordPress Ignored my Comment. Self Esteem Takes Huge Blow — 22 Comments

  1. Some comments can be so f***ing hard to answer though… even after half an hour of thinking, cheesiness is the only thing to rear its ugly head.
    Sometimes I wonder if it’s better to stay silent rather than sound contrite, y’know?
    Commenters might be the best part of blogging, but replying is most definitely the hardest.

    I <3 u by the way

  2. @Rhea: Yeah, still looking from out-and-out stardom, however.

    @Krissi: Yeah, two links in one post and you’re marked a spammer. Please make a big red S for your shirt, and wear it when you blog so we can see it.

    I’ve noticed the You Comment/I Follow movement, but that just puts too much pressure on me. I can’t handle the stress.

  3. P.P.S. Since I’m REALLY spamming your blog, it’s the ‘iReply’ not the ‘iComment’ movement. I’ll get it straight, and you’ll at least be able to say I never ignored you.

  4. I need a pick me up. Tell me YOU like me.

    Dewd – I’m ‘in-like’ with you! That’s so much better than just simply ‘liking’ you. It means I can assume that we have a super special relationship with each other and should therefore expect comments on each other’s blog posts as often as possible.

    Heh, sorry my snark got outta hand. For further reading, see this post:

    “Sorry your self esteem revolves around me. What a sad life you must have.”

    This tidbit sounds a lot like like something that generally annoys me about bloggers who have chips on their shoulders…

    Seriously, get over yourself! (


    Krissi’s last blog post..Happy Canada Day

  5. Oh crap, this is getting WAAAAY to serious for me.

    1. If you felt bashed, apologies, leg pulling was what I was going for. Aside: my traffic was almost double that day. (See the chart on my “chief typesetter” page.

    2. How in the heck was I supposed to know you were gone for surgery? You didn’t write about it! (Still haven’t on your blog.)

    I’m sorry for your surgery, probably an emergency, and am glad everything seems to be going OK. But if you had an emergency… I guess you had a pre-published post for 6/24? and this left you time to go to Vegas for a “few days” after surgery?

    3. Patience? Yes, my parents taught me well, and what they taught me has been effectively beaten out of my brain because of the internet.

    3. I think you are a little unfair by saying silence is the absence of sound. Silence can be deafening! If blogging is a conversation (and I believe it is) then not to respond is more than just a non-response.
    EG: a blogger in my blogroll just died. Two days later, his widow was on his blog tell us about it.

    4. I did not know that you felt that way about comments. I think you are wrong. Either turn off comments and tell readers you are too busy… or respond to each comment. You run about 6-12 comments per post, how long can it take, even if just to put 🙂 or LOL, or STFU.

    Meh, I’ve learned a lesson.

  6. Sorry your self esteem revolves around me. What a sad life you must have. 😉

    Unfortunately, for those who bash me, they find little traffic nor support, if bashing Lorelle is another strategy for attracting more readers. Not that I’m not worth bashing, it just isn’t a traffic builder.

    Your blog challenge has been open in my computer for over a week as I returned back to full time work after a long recovery from surgery and hit the road immediately. Today is my first day back in my office and now I have time to go through my comments and respond.

    I really worry about people who judge those who respond with silence. Silence is nothing but the absence of sound. It doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy, nor important, or anything. Didn’t your family teach you a little patience? 😀

    So, now that I’m back in the office, I’ll do what I can to reply to the month of backlog emails, comments, and bloggers wanting my attention. But thanks for thinking about me while I was recovering.

    Oh, and don’t forget to add to your citations that I’m one of the ones who is the biggest proponent of the notion that not every comment needs, nor deserves, a response. 😀

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