
Google Chrome Browser Analysis – It’s A Lot Like Simon — 10 Comments

  1. Being under 30 shouldn’t be an excuse! I’m 28, as is my boyfriend– and we both very clearly remember Simon from our childhoods as well.

    I guess I don’t remember when Simon faded from popularity…but I’d guess that anyone 25 and over should remember it…so yeah, someone should have made the connection.

    Flight of the seabirds is a line from a Grateful Dead song…you’re a boomer, you should know that1 😉

    hehehe Pen Island… hehehe

  2. @Kim: I know that most graphic artists are under 30, but somewhere along the line somebody must have made this connection don’t you think? I guess they didn’t really care.

    PS: when I see your URL: I always read Flight of These a Birds. 🙂 Not as bad as (Pen Island)

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