
I married Miss Subtlepants. — 6 Comments

  1. We went camping and forgot to take the ingredients. Well, we didn’t forget … before we left we decided we should eat healthier while there. That was before we got there. You should always take the ingredients tucked away somewhere and pretend you don’t know they are there so that when you change your mind it’s okay.

    Grandma Henke´s last blog post..feeling grateful for these things today

  2. Oh man… I LOVE ‘Smores! I had 2/3’s of the ingredients for them in the house and didn’t even realize it. All I needed was the marshmallows. Unfortunately, I ate the Hershey’s candy bars over a matter of a week….bad Joy…..bad diet. Still have some Graham crackers though. Maybe it’s a good thing….I’d overdose on those babies. Brings back those campfire days….

    Joy´s last blog post..The Autumns of a Life

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