
Smooch Your Pooch. Today is International Dogs Rule Day. — 8 Comments

  1. This is a great post, love seeing all the pictures. Especially like the first one of Sedona in the suitcase. Poco will do that too when I’m packing, just plop his little butt in there as if to say, “don’t forget me”.

    Glad Nancy finally got her lap dog 🙂

    Elaine´s last blog post..Campaign Quote of the Day

  2. Ah … what a wonderful tribute to the ‘doggy fur-friends’ who have shared you lives. Like you I’ve had multiple canine companions for decades (mostly mutts) and currently live with Molly who I write about often on both blogs. A few of my favorite posts about her are at this link. Thanks for the ‘heads up’ about International Dogs Rule Day! I’ll try to remember to spread the word too ;–)
    Hugs and blessings,

    storyteller´s last blog post..HF#79 – Reflecting on eleven & a half months …

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