
Desserts of My Life – I Have Catching Up To Do — 14 Comments

  1. Thanks for finding this meme! Lol at the ‘show off’ comment… but I guess its because I come from quite a diverse upbringing with parents who were retired caterers and have traveled quite a bit around the world (not so much spewing off everything I’ve put in my mouth). If you ever visit Chicago, New York or even San Francisco, I’m sure you’ll be able to find all these desserts with some searching around! Living here in downtown Chicago has given be quite an advantage learning and sharing about food. Hope you continue to check out my blog and thanks again for referencing me 🙂

    • @Joelen: I’m glad you aren’t ticked for me calling you a show off. 🙂 Yeah, my choices for desserts her in KY are kinda limited compared to Chicago. But I am determined that I will be more diligent to make desserts part of my travel experience.

  2. @Polly-Vous Francais: Hee. Moon pie/whoopie pie? I don’t know. Yes on the Apple Crips (that’s what we call it – a hold over from kidspeak)
    Or ONLY have desserts… plural! We have done that more than I care to admit.

  3. I loved this meme! But somewhere around number 59 or so I had to reach for the Alka Selzer. (“I can’t believe I ate the whole thing…”)

    All the while thinking, “Is there a difference between a moon pie and a whoopie pie?”

    And gosh, dontcha think that anyone who hasn’t had Apple Brown Betty or one of its slump/buckle/crisp cousins is, um, un-Amurkan?

    It reminded me that when I was a kid my grandmother used to let us have Eskimo Pies as an appetizer.

    Always eat dessert first.

    Polly-Vous Francais´s last blog post..Etat des lieux

  4. This meme can reveal alot about you, which I guess is the whole point. Some of those desserts will tell us you’re either a connoisseur or have some money or both. Others reveal if you’ve traveled or at least tasted international foods. Your list tells me you’ve grown up on comfort foods of the Midwest with Southern influence at some time in your life. Am I psychic or what? Gourmet that I am, like Brian, I’ve tasted most of the list, although I hate to admit that I’ve tasted Coke cake and mock apple pie.

    I’m assuming the kringle listed is the Danish version. We of Swedish heritage have our own version which is less popular. Also, I make a fabulous cranberry trifle – think banana pudding with lady fingers instead of Nilla Wafers, cranberries instead of bananas, and a shot of Grand Marnier in the homemade custard.

    You’ve surely had a Dixie cup, which is just vanilla ice cream in a one serving container with a pull off cardboard top. I didn’t think one could grow up in the 1950’s without eating one of those.

    Catch Her In the Wry´s last blog post..I bet it’s the target audience

    • @Catch Her in the Wry: you knew that about me already! Yes! I have had a Dixie Cup! I sure wasn’t thinking on that one! Thanks for the info on the Kringle, sounds delish. I just don’t think of desserts as being part of the meal experience, but I am determined to eat more sweets.

  5. #21 Blondies are like brownies, except the ‘cake’ part is vanilla. It’s like a thick chocolate chip cookie, #32 Pavlova is a meringue dessert filled with cream and strawberries… both are fabulous. That’s some list… I could have a lot of fun checking those off.

    (p.s. thanks for stopping by my place, and the FYI on Joy.)

    Tara R.´s last blog post..Junk Drawer Sunday ~ recycling

  6. @ Chris: yes, I have had THAT. Is that what Mariah’s calls it? Thanks!
    @ Jerky Joe: Seinfeld. Nope, never had one.
    @ Nancy: Well I knew it was a trick, just some other name for common stuff.

  7. #89 — You’ve never had the Galaxy Pie at Mariahs’?! Ice cream pie with Milky way and reece’s peanut butter. Go over there now. Have a diabetic coma later.

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