
Feed me. Please Leave a Comment. — 25 Comments

  1. Is it too late to feed you? It’s been a few years, but I now love this site and am proud to be included in the “400 google counts”…hehe 😀

    Have a good day and that your hunger is satisfied :]

    • @All: I appreciate your comments and read every single one which took the better part of an afternoon. Thank you very much. Consider your comment like a pat on the head of a dog. You know they would rather have their ears scratched, but then your fingers get smelly

  2. I comment in clusters, like a dive bomber. Bloggers never see it coming, I strike hard and fast. I usually leave quite a mess, posts destroyed and people in disarray. Mission accomplished. Return to base.

  3. Now who in the heck wouldn’t leave a comment with such a sweet little guy as yourself Mark? I think you need to show your soft and mushy side more often….Oops….

  4. Hi

    I’m not a lurker but I do read on the occasions that the Humor-Blogs rss feed sends me a link for your posts – like today.


  5. In honor of National De-Lurking week, I’m going to officially say Hello, Dammit! (hey, that is what the photo said to do and I follow directions pretty darn good!) Anyhoo …. I’ve been stal****, uh lur****, er… reading your blog for several months. I don’t remember how I first got here, but I come by daily. Now that I have de-lurked, you only have to find the other 399 ….. well, since 5 have already been accounted for before this reply, make that 394 readers.

  6. Hi, Just wanted to know if anyone has told you ,that you
    look like an actress from the classic movie era? Her
    name was Ann Sheridan.Same smile,same perkiness.And a
    very fine actress as well.the best to you,your family
    and your new home.

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