
We’ve Forgotten What It’s Like to Fly a Legacy Airline — 3 Comments

  1. @Polly-Vous Francais & Brian. I don’t know what’s up with comment moderation. So sorry these didn’t post right away.

    @Polly-Vous Francais: thanks, we walked Paris, so we will walk Boston, with our trusty Frommer’s! Duck is on our list.

    Food places needed. 🙂

  2. I have tons of suggestions for Boston! Is it 4 days total?

    First, definitely do a Duck Tour. they’re touristy and silly, but you do get a good overview of the city.

    Put on your sneaks and walk all around Beacon Hill. Acorn Street and Louisburg Square. Wander through the public garden (ride on the Swan Boats if you want, but not required) then head up Newbury Street. Visiting Trinity Church is a must.

    Take an admissions tour at Harvard — it’s free. Great way to see insider’s view of Cambridge.

    I’ll think of more beofre you go. have fun!

    Polly-Vous Francais…also wrote this…Deferred Maintenance

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