
Why Senior Citizen Discounts are Bad Business. — 6 Comments

  1. I’m still a little puzzled as to how senior discounts are bad for business. As you say “Nancy never shops anywhere but Kroger for groceries. Sometimes she shops on the first Wednesday of the month – and HATES it. She says the place is FULL of old people”….If the place is ‘full’ it must be good for business?

    Also, many businesses realize someone who is 55 is not a senior, however starting a discount at 55 rather than 65 will ultimately attract more people….if it’s an attraction offer or promotion.
    .-= Jason´s last blog ..Learning in the third age =-.

  2. Yes, fat people do tend to look younger, the wrinkles are stretched out.

    Cash discounts for Med Offices would be a smart move – collections must be horrendous in that biz.

    Business owners may not mind, but it’s still bad business, brought on mostly by rich seniors “on a fixed income” (stock and bond and trust fund dividends.)

    As far as the clergy? I’ll let you rant about their demands. 🙂
    .-= Going Like Sixty´s last blog ..Why Senior Citizen Discounts are Bad Business. =-.

  3. Perhaps no one volunteers the senior discount because you and Nancy look so young.

    I know medical offices that offer discounts to customers who pay cash, regardless of age.

    As a business person, I can tell you that business owners don’t mind giving discounts to seniors, but they HATE clergy who always expect discounts or even free services/merchandise.
    .-= Catch Her in the Wry´s last blog ..State of Emergency =-.

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