
What is it with Interstate Truckers? — 3 Comments

  1. NEW YORK — when a small plane collided with a sightseeing helicopter over the Hudson River last week, it was only the second time in decades that crowded skies near Manhattan led to a midair crash. watch for conflicts without help from air traffic controllers.


  2. The flashing light routine I know about. When one semi is passing another, the driver of the one that is being passed will flash his lights at the one passing to let that driver know that they have enough clearance to pull safely in front of them. The semi that did the passing will flash their lights in return as a “tank you” to one they just passed.

    I made it a habit a long time ago to do the same when I was still able to a Harley and continue to do so today as any personal vehicle is hard to see by the driver of a big rig when they’re trying to pass one.
    .-= Kirk M´s last blog ..Reviving the Dead | Part II =-.

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