
Review: Magic Jack Feedback Revisited – Updated — 2 Comments

  1. Hi!

    I loved your Review, and I’m glad it works for you so well

    I am an IT tech, who came across your website after I googled

    “Magicjack using UDP Ports 137, 138, 1900 on Windows”

    I have a Magicjack, which I was unable to install on XP Pro SP3 at all. It claimed there was no driver for it…

    I got it working on Vista just fine, and then on Windows 7. It worked, but was using upwards of 750MB of my system Memory, if left on for several hours. They finally released a “Upgrade” patch just after the OCT release of Windows 7 to save their butt.. hehe

    Anyway, Magicjack works Flawlessly on my MAC Noteboook Pro
    but MAC OS X 10.5 (leopard) or
    10.6 (Snow Leopard) are actually
    another type of Linux!
    Like Ubuntu….

    While, Linux is a totally more secure Operating System then Windows, its nowhere near as user friendly! Steve Jobs did a makeover of Linux, to act more like Windows, but until last year it still left alot to be desired as an OS to run your PC (or notebook) with, and run things like Windows does. Now MAC has created an app that runs windows apps, so people can play games, and use all the Windows toys,
    on MAC..At least Bill Gates was 100% Original with his Windows invention.

    Well, I was told by their site that
    magicJack uses port 5060 and 5070 UDP

    I have a Home Network, with 4 Computers total.
    The fact that
    (the magicJack application) is responcible for all functions, I wonder why I’ve found Magicjack using

    UDP Ports:

    as well as

    If you want to see what Magicjack.exe is Using on your PC, in an account with ADMIN rights
    run the CMD.exe file which is in the



    when you’ve run it,
    (In Vista or Windows 7 you’ll have to right-click on CMD and left click Run as ADMIN
    then the black CMD box appears. At the


    [arrow =prompt]

    if you type

    NETSTAT -A -B -O

    At the prompt
    you will get a rundown of every process, running on your Windows PC, that is connected to the internet.

    I was shocked to find Ports

    UDP Port 137
    UDP Port 138
    UDP port 1900

    being used by the Magicjack.exe
    Application. out to the internet. Yes Port 5143
    is a port close to what they tell you, but
    I also got the Antivirus 2009 Trojan on my computer, (as well as 4 others I know with a Magicjack)
    yet as an IT Tech, I NEVER download attachments, or Zip files from Emails, and I run an MD5 sum on every application I do downlaod to make sure it matches, thiers, so I know a file is not infected. I think there is a vulnerability in the Majicjack application, which is allowing hackers to gain control of my computer, when the magicjack is plugged in,

    The UDP ports 137 and 138 are used for
    NETBIOS over TCP, and they are supposed to be for sharing files on a home network. They should not be connecting to the internet at all!

    It seems Magicjack is up to more then targeting, and listening to calls!
    I believe they are also spying on peoples computers, by accessing it via those afore mentioned UDP Ports.
    Please try the test, and email me at the Appy I left, when I wrote this. I would like to know more, of what you find out!

    Kind Regards,


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