
Total Knee Replacement: The Longer I Go The Hurtier I Get. — 11 Comments

  1. had my left knee tot. replace june6,2009..ive had spynal fusions,tumers remove and screws in my r. knee and some other things that have left me with cronic pain for the rest of my life.taking pain meds. all the time sucks!! I take only one kind anb with all the meds out there why cant they come up with a combination that would make more comfortable..some that is a time release and something for rescue…Im 62 yrs old and am so tired of being in pain all the time???sometimes my quality of life sucks…….

  2. just found your site, well done. I posted a comment earlier. If you haven’t found it already check I’ve had ACL surgery, that site is a blessing. Good luck, remember you’re on your way back to good knee health – when you’re ready – do the exercise – and when your tired and can’t do anymore? do more exercise, HA! best to you.

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