
I Only Miss Blizzard Snow Because of the Drifting — 4 Comments

  1. Nice picture! That’s generally easy driving. The hardest part is driving on pure ice. Now that’s when it gets truly hairy. Around here they just don’t pay attention on how to drive in any conditions. Hell, they can’t even drive when it’s 85 and sunny all day.

  2. Tell that to the idiots in Southern Indiana and Louisville area that get scared to death every time they have to drive. The worst part isn’t snowpacked roads. That’s generally easy driving. The hardest part is driving on pure ice. Now that’s when it gets truly hairy. Around here they just don’t pay attention on how to drive in any conditions. Hell, they can’t even drive when its 85 and sunny all day.

  3. Drifting has to be done on the snow? Well, what do ya’ know. And here I thought that was just the normal way of driving. No wonder I was getting all them threatening letters from people I didn’t know.
    .-= Kirk M´s last blog pithOne of those weeks =-.

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