
It’s Time for Me to Come Out — 3 Comments

  1. My aunt in Mexico City doesn’t own one. Her expat friends begged me to get her one while I was down there. I got one, and used it while I was there.

    I put it in her “fanny pack”, called her friends and said, “Okay, she has one. The rest is up to you. You have to make her use it”.

    She hasn’t turned it on once.
    .-= Absurdist´s last blog pithAn Apology to Family =-.

  2. @Joy: If I was a single woman, I would have a cell phone, but leave it turned off too! I don’t mind the gadgets – if they don’t add more frustration. The iPhone did, ergo: blah.

  3. Well, I DO own a cell phone; albeit I hardly ever use it. My daughter got it for me because she thought I should have one…especially if there was an emergency. I appreciate her thoughts, but I don’t even leave it on all the time. iPhones are great…all of my kids have them; but I don’t want even one more techie gadget to confuse my already mushy mind thank you. I’ll do just fine with what I have…living on the computer every day is good enough….or bad enough. ~Joy
    .-= Joy´s last blog pithJust Asking…. =-.

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