
Rule of Sixty: Appointment, Lunch, Wear Lunch to Appointment — 11 Comments

  1. Been there! What is worse is when you are driving. Burgers, tacos, hotdogs… all ending on my lap or crotch of my pants complete with the mayo and mustard. LOL! That’s why I grab a pizza if I want a quick bite. At least it t doesn’t jump or squirt.
    .-= Tandblekning´s last blog pithTandblekning Hemma =-.

  2. I’ve never seen that commercial before. Too bad my babies are grown; I think I’d buy into that ad.

    Similar thing happens to me only I’m eating a fresco taco and the meat lands on the booby shelf before it gets to my lap. I’ve ruined many a shirt with greasy stains, and yet I still go back for more. I think it’s the pico de gallo.
    .-= Catch Her in the Wry´s last blog pithIt’s too darn hot =-.

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