
Not a Fit Week for Woman or Beast, Or 158,000 to Treat the Flu? — 6 Comments

  1. I’m so sorry Nancy has been feeling so sick. I hope she’s starting to feel better by now. Sorry about your pups too. When it rains it pours, huh? Stay well Mark…

    • Yes, things are looking up for Nancy. She’s eating normal food and the rest of her system is very close to “normal.” Friend had a slight case and friend of that friend too. I’m just waiting for it to hit me. C’mon iron gut, don’t fail me now!

  2. Thanks for the update, Mark. Heal, Nancy, heal. Go, car, go. Squish, bufos, squish.

    What a fount of information you’re becoming for folks who are following you!


  3. WELL!!! Was following you on Scott’s site so am happy to be able to see more details on your website! Welcome to the first months in Costa Rica. Chris and I celebrate our first anniversary (living) here in Atenas next week. It was, of course, a very challenging first year but we are sure loving it now!!

    Chris takes a flat shovel to the little bufo bastards and then slings them over the wall into the pasture to keep the danger to our little dog down to almost nil!!

    Dr. Candy was our mainstay for many, many months and we had a couple of REALLY dreadful health crises. But all is well now and we just got our Residency!! Yay!

    We are in Atenas and hope all is well with you both!

    Sue and Chris

    • I had a thot today that perhaps it would be wiser just to give in to the bufo. We never let our dogs run free — but we sure would like to — we are installing a fence with a 3/4″ mesh at the bottom. BUT I will never be comfortable letting them run at night, and during the day will have an eagle eye. GAWD they are creepy things.

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