
Love/Hate Relationship With the Wind and Bougainvillea Flowers — 3 Comments

  1. They’re bracts, Mark, not flower petals. Remember dogwood “flowers” from your old habitat? Same thing. And we have them in Phoenix (bougainvillea, not dogwood) and they crud up the pool like you wouldn’t believe. They are outdone, however, by the palo verde when they happen to be blooming. In the desert things bloom like crazy because the climate is so harsh that few seeds actually survive, so every spring we end up with an inch-thick covering of palo verde flowers everywhere, including in the pool. Be glad if you don’t have them as well as bougainvillea. But they ARE beautiful!

  2. They’re bracts, Mark, not flower petals. Remember dogwood “flowers” from your old habitat? Same thing. And we have them in Phoenix (bougainvillea, not dogwood) and they crud up the pool like you wouldn’t believe. They are outdone, owever, by the palo verde when they happen to be blooming. In the desert things bloom like crazy because the climate is so harsh that few seeds actually survive, so every spring we end up with an inch-thick covering of palo verde flowers everywhere, including in the pool. Be glad if you don’t have them as well as bougainvillea. But they ARE beautiful!

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