
Even the Massively Irritating Fucillo Kia Ads Will Be a Welcome Relief. — 2 Comments

  1. I’ve never been invited to a Blogher before. But I sure know what you mean about all the stupid political ads. And emails. And crap on Facebook. I skipped Facebook today, but I have hidden a lot of posts and even adjusted how much crap I’m willing to receive from several friends after their political posts sent me over the edge.

  2. I should have joined NaBloPoMo to get me back into the habit of blogging again. However, I did manage to blog twice about the election in the past week, so it is an improvement! Living in New Jersey, we get almost NO presidential campaign ads; and I haven’t even seen many local ones. But, we got Hurricane Sandy, so we’re even. Seriously, we were lucky not to have had more damage (we’re in Northern NJ) – just trees/branches down and we didn’t even lose power in my neighborhood. But the shore is devastated as everyone knows… I can’t wait for this election to be over, and am hoping it goes the right way.

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